Article I - Name
This organization shall be a non-profit organization and shall be called the GIFTED AND TALENTED ACADEMY BOOSTER Club, (herein referred to as “GTAB” or as the “Association”).
Article II - Purpose and Goals
Section 1.1 - purpose
GTAB is an organization of parents and professionals who are concerned with supporting the Pearland ISD’s GT Academy and its efforts to promote and secure high-level academics for GT-identified students. We will partner with the GT Academy to strive to creatively and continuously promote awareness of the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of high-performing students and to impact the development of appropriate services to meet their needs. Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
section 1.2 - Goals
The Goals of GTAB shall be as follows:
A. To collaborate with local and state-level educators and administrators to foster a better understanding of the social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted students.
B. To champion the development of programs and educational opportunities within the district to support the real academic capabilities and needs of GT-identified students.
C. To provide service through attendance at the district level and campus-specific educational improvement councils and develop and maintain interdependent relationships between GTAB and these groups.
D. Provide a network for parents to share valuable insights and experiences with others.
E. Perform fundraising activities for special projects or events that support the goals and mission of GTAB as well as that of the GT Academy.
F. Partner with the GT Academy in its development and promote it publicly to help establish, maintain, and sustain, its success.
Article III - Membership
Membership in this non-profit organization shall be open to all who are interested in the purposes of the Association and upon payment of the current year’s dues.
Article IV - Dues
Annual membership dues and due date shall be determined by the Executive Board. Any change in the dues shall be set by the Executive Board and be approved by the membership at a regular meeting. In the event the changed amount set by the Board for any year is not approved, the dues shall be the same as those last approved by the membership.
Article V - Officers
Section 1.1 - Number.
The officers of the GTAB shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Communications Officer.
Section 1.2 - Term.
The term of office shall be June 1 through May 31 of each school year.
Section 1.3 - Limitation.
No officer shall serve in the same office for three (3) full years in succession, nor may any person hold two (2) elected offices at the same time.
Section 1.4 - Vacancies.
Any vacancy in any office for an unexpired term shall be filled by the Executive Board.
Section 1.5 - Records.
Each officer shall be responsible for maintaining written records of that office and shall convey these records to the successor.
Section 1.6 - Attendance.
It is expected that the Executive Board meetings shall be regularly attended by its members. If at any time during an officer’s term of office, any officer misses three (3) Executive Board meetings, such member shall be deemed to have immediately resigned his position with the GTAB, unless a majority of the remaining Executive Board members otherwise agree.
Section 1.7 – Student Relationship.
It is expected that the Executive Board members shall be a legal guardian of at least one current student attending the GT Academy in Pearland Independent School District.
Article VI - Duties Of Offices
Section 1.1 - President
Preside as chairperson of all membership meetings and Executive Board meetings;
Serve as a chairman of the Communications Committee;
Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee;
Represent the Association in any activities related to the education or interests of gifted and talented children and may delegate any member to represent the Association if the President and Vice President are unable to serve;
Be responsible for the maintenance of all permanent records of GTAB.
section 1.2 - vice president
Assume the duties of the President in the absence or at the request of the President;
Take minutes of GTAB meetings when the Secretary is not present;
Perform all other functions as directed by the President.
section 1.3 - Secretary
Keep accurate minutes of all membership meetings and Executive Board meetings;
Be responsible for necessary correspondence;
Be responsible for notifying Executive Board members of the regular and special meetings of the GTAB Board;
Be responsible for notifying General Membership of the regular and special meetings of the GTAB Board;
Perform all other functions as directed by the President.
Section 1.4 - treasurer
Receive and deposit all monies of GTAB;
Disburse such sums as approved by the Executive Board of the membership;
Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures;
Present a brief financial statement at every regular Executive Board meeting and, if requested, at any regular meeting of the membership;
Submit financial records for review within thirty (30) days of the end of the fiscal year-end, May 31;
Perform all other functions as directed by the President.
section 1.5 - parlimentarian
Advise the President and other officers, committees, and members on rules of parliamentary procedure.
Provide an advisory and consultative role, does not vote except in the circumstance of a ballot vote.
Perform all other functions as directed by the President.
section 1.6 - communications officer
Provide chain of (electronic) communication to all members and school officials.
Chair Communications Committee to edit, publish, and provide a newsletter, fliers, and other media directed by the Executive board.
Perform all other functions as directed by the President.
Article VII - Executive Board
Section 1.1 - Membership and Authority.
The Executive Board shall consist of the five (5) elected officers, the appointed Parliamentarian, and all chairmen of the standing committees. Except as otherwise provided, the Executive Board shall have the power to transact the business of the Association.
Section 1.2 - Meetings/Quorum.
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as needed. The date of such meetings shall be set by the President. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the filled Executive Board positions.
Section 1.3 - Notice.
The Executive Board members shall be notified at least three (3) days prior to the Executive Board meeting.
Section 1.4 - Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by notice to the President by three (3) members of the Executive Board.
Section 1.5 - Past President.
The immediate Past President, if available, shall be an exofficio member of the Executive Board and may serve as Parliamentarian of the GTAB.
Article VIII - Elections
Section 1.1 - Eligibility.
Only members in good standing, who pass a background check and are the legal guardian of a current GTA student may be nominated for office in the Association. Nominations background checks must be verified by Pearland Independent School District Advanced Academics Office.
Section 1.2 - Nominating Committee.
At a general membership meeting at least two months prior to the election meeting to be designated by the executive board, a nominating committee consisting of three (3)committee members plus one alternate shall be constituted. These individuals shall be elected by the membership, need not be Board Members, and must be General Members in good standing. No individual shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms on the Nominating Committee. The President shall not serve on this committee and no person automatically serves as a committee member or alternate because of their position or title. The nominating committee shall select its own chairperson immediately following the meeting, shall secure consent to serve from prospective nominees, and shall present a written slate of nominees for the five (5) elected offices. The slate shall be posted publicly fourteen (14) days prior to the election meeting. Only Nominating Committee members may be present at a Nominating Committee meeting where nomination decisions are made. All discussions shall be kept strictly confidential until the committee report is released according to the established procedures. If no Nominating Committee is elected, the election may be conducted at the appropriate meeting, with all nominations coming from the floor.
Section 1.3 - Voting.
Election shall be by ballot at the April meeting at which the slate of officers is presented; at which time additional nominees may be nominated from the floor providing consent of the nominee has been obtained at that time. The candidates receiving a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of the votes cast shall be declared elected.
Section 1.4 - Term.
Officers shall be elected to serve for one (1) year, or until their successors are elected.
Article IX - Standing Committees
Section 1.1 - Designation.
The standing committees shall be established and their functions assigned by the elected officers. The elected officers shall also appoint the chairperson for each committee and each committee chairperson shall appoint committee members as necessary.
Section 1.2 - Review.
All committee actions will be subject to review by the Executive Board.
Section 1.3 - Standing Committees.
The standing committees of the Association shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall be responsible for implementing a membership plan and recruitment for the Association. This Committee shall also be responsible for maintaining a current membership roster.
B. Academic Competition Committee
The Academic Competition Committee shall be responsible for locating and evaluating academic competitions for each grade level at GTA, communicating that information to the staff and students, and assisting in the planning and implementation of said events.
C. TAGT Committee
The TAGT Committee shall provide liaison representation between GTAB and TAGT in order to provide GTA with up to date Texas specific information and maintain a GTA presence within TAGT.
D. Fundraising Committee
The fundraising committee will be responsible for evaluating fundraising needs for the Association, planning, and implementing fundraising strategies to support needs of GTA students.
E. Communications/ Public Relations committee
The Communications / Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for all publicity for the Association and shall provide a chain of electronic communication for membership notification purposes. This committee shall develop, maintain, and update the GTAB club website.
f. program support committee
The Program support committee shall consist of representatives from each grade level at GTA as reported by the GTAB sponsor, and evaluate the needs of each, research opportunities for, and plan and implement programs to support GTA students and staff, and Association members.
Article X - Meetings
Section 1.1 - General Meetings/Quorum.
General membership meetings of the GTAB shall be held at places and times designated by the Executive Board, with appropriate notice given to the members. The quorum for general meetings is a majority of the filled Executive Board positions plus one (1).
Section 1.2 - Special Meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Board, or one-fourth (1/4) of the membership, providing five (5) days’ notice has been given to the members.
Section 1.3 - Open Meetings.
All meetings and programs will be open to the public unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board; however, voting is limited to the paid membership in good standing.
Section 1.4 - Memberships.
For purposes of voting at regular meetings, each member shall have one (1) vote each, so long as their membership is in good standing.
Article XI - Amendments
Section 1.1 By-Laws:
The Association’s Charter and/or these Bylaws can be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the filled Executive Board positions for presentation in writing to the general membership prior to the vote, and then by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members attending the said meeting where by-laws modifications is on the agenda.
Section 1. 2 Standing Rules:
Standing Rules and amendments to existing Standing Rules may be adopted at any general meeting with a majority vote in the affirmative. Standing Rules shall be reviewed by the Executive Board and amended yearly or more frequently as deemed necessary.
Article XII - Indemnification
The Association shall indemnify officers, directors, and other persons participating in the activities of the Association.
Article XIII - Affiliations
GTAB may enter into affiliations with associations with common interests and purposes by recommendation of the Executive Board and vote of the general membership.
Article XIV - Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Association for any reason, a majority of the Executive Board then in office shall, after providing for the payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all of the assets by distribution to a tax-exempt corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas and qualifying as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.