The Gifted and Talented Academy Booster (GTAB) is a parent/teacher/community organization that supports Pearland ISD's Gifted and Talented Academy (GTA). It is the only dedicated fundraising entity for the GT Academy. We work with the GT Specialist at both GTA campuses to fund GTA student, teacher, and club needs. To learn more, watch this 2-minute video!
GT Identification &
gta application process
If you know someone interested in attending the GT Academy, they must first be identified by the district as GT. Please click the Advanced Academics links below for more information.
The GT Specialist will hold a parent informational meeting typically in January and applications are usually due February 1st for the following school year via Pearland ISD's Skyward.
Learn more about Pearland Advanced Academics, the GT Identification Process, or the 8th Grade Pathway to Geometry program below.